American Casino
Directed by Leslie Cockburn, Produced by Andrew Cockburn & Leslie Cockburn

2009, 89 min
“I don’t think most people really understood that they were in a casino” says award-winning financial reporter Mark Pittman. “When you’re in the Street’s casino, you’ve got to play by their rules.”
This film explains how and why over $12 trillion of our money vanished into the AMERICAN CASINO...
The New YorkerTERRIFIC! a lucid and comprehensive picture of a rotten system
The New YorkerThere's a good documentary kicking around (American Casino) that connects the arrogant behavior of bankers in New York to the loss of homes and the destruction of neighborhoods during the economic meltdown [...]. Michael Moore's ‚ДъCapitalism: A Love Story‚Дщ is something else‚Доnot a good movie or a coherent exposition of the meltdown [...]
New York TimesShocking...real life version of a horror film, meticulously structured.
Los Angeles TimesAmerican Casino does a better job (than Michael Moore) with the questions surrounding massive housing foreclosures.
Time Magazine...Indeed, Moore is the General Motors--the old, powerful version--of the doc community. Other people make nonfiction political films, and good ones... But (American) Casino, which plays like a superior edition of the PBS series Frontline, can now be seen in just a few theaters. It seems that doc films can thrive only if they star Michael Moore.
The Daily BeastWhen it comes to documentaries about the Wall Street meltdown, don't let all the hype for Michael Moore's<em>Capitalism: A Love Story </em>deter you from seeing a real gem of a movie, Leslie and Andrew Cockburn's American Casino.
The Philadelphia InquirerA more sober, less personality-driven companion piece to Capitalism: A Love Story [...].
CineasteWhen it comes to the intricacies of sub-prime mortgages and exotic derivatives, (Michael Moore) is far outdistanced by Leslie and Andrew Cockburn's heart-rending (and eminently accessible) American Casino.
The Baltimore SunIf you're gonna go see one documentary this Fall, go see American Casino.
The Boston GlobeIt's a relief to see a minimum of huffing and puffing on such a hot-button subject
The Washington PostYou won't soon forget the therapist at Johns Hopkins who counsels recently homeless patients who've fallen into depression or substance abuse -- and then goes home to her own bitter foreclosure fight.
The Providence JournalIf you haven't yet figured out why there are boarded-up homes in your neighborhood or why so many people are out of work, then American Casino is a good place to find answers.
Lincoln Journal StarAmerican Casino shows how and why the meltdown happened. It should be required viewing.
The Huffington PostAmerican Casino proves that understanding what caused the housing crisis and its effects on individuals, communities, and the economy isn't nearly as difficult as we've been led to believe. And to prevent this from happening again, it's vital that we understand how it happened and repudiate the failed ideology at its root.
Village VoiceAuthoritative, far-reaching.
SalonAn intimate, terrifying document.
New York MagazineSensationally effective... You'll never hear an economist explain derivatives again without thinking of the woman who walks away from the camera, weeping, as her mortgage broker refuses her check.
American Casino is a powerful and shocking look at the subprime lending scandal. If you want to understand how the US financial system failed and how mortgage companies ripped off the poor, see this film.
The most powerful depiction of how the mortgage lending industry has ruined families, entire communities and our nation's economy. You must go see this film!
Time Out'll work up a healthy desire to throw a brick through Hank Paulson's window.
Chicago ReaderNo heist thriller could ever compete with this probing documentary. Critics Choice.
New City ChicaCogent, sharp and infuriating
Slant MagazineA revelatory howl against the still-gestating,